Fréderike Geerdink – Sarah Tekath

Fréderike Geerdink is a journalist. Sarah Tekath is a journalist and an interview host. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Fréderike Geerdink and Sarah Tekath.

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Episodes with Fréderike Geerdink & Sarah Tekath

Sarah Tekath & Fréderike Geerdink 10 Oct 2022 • EN

#50: Living In A PKK Fighter Camp - Fréderike Geerdink

Frederike Geerdink is a Dutch journalist who specializes in reporting on Kurdish people and political issues in Turkey. Her work has been nominated for the Brusseprijs, an annual prize for the best journalistic book in the Netherlands. The nomination stated, Fréderike Geerdink is one of those courageous Dutch journalis

33 min
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