Erik Hoel – Russ Roberts

Erik Hoel is a cognitive scientist and an author. Russ Roberts is an interview host. We found 3 podcast interviews connecting Erik Hoel and Russ Roberts.

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Episodes with Erik Hoel & Russ Roberts

Russ Roberts & Erik Hoel 24 Jul 2023 • EN

Erik Hoel on Consciousness, Free Will, and the Limits of Science

Neuroscientist and author Erik Hoel talks about his book, The World Behind the World, with EconTalk's Russ Roberts. Is it possible to reconcile the seemingly subjective inner world of human experience with the seemingly objective outer world of observation, measurement, and science? Despite the promise of neuroscience,

67 min
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Russ Roberts & Erik Hoel 03 Apr 2023 • EN

Erik Hoel on the Threat to Humanity from AI

They operate according to rules we can never fully understand. They can be unreliable, uncontrollable, and misaligned with human values. They're fast becoming as intelligent as humans--and they're exclusively in the hands of profit-seeking tech companies. "They," of course, are the latest versions of AI, which herald,

84 min
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Neuroscientist Erik Hoel talks about why he is not an "effective altruist" with EconTalk host, Russ Roberts. Hoel argues that the utilitarianism that underlies effective altruism--a movement co-founded by Will MacAskill and Peter Singer--is a poison that inevitably leads to repugnant conclusions and thereby weakens the

77 min
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