Lara Pence – Kwame Christian
Lara Pence is a psychologist and business executive. Kwame Christian is an interview host, a business executive, and a lawyer. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Lara Pence and Kwame Christian.
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Episodes with Lara Pence & Kwame Christian
Becoming a Better Negotiator Through Curiosity With Lara Pence, PsyD, MBA
Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company: In this episode, Lara Pence, licensed psychologist and founder of Lighfbox, discusses the importance of being internally curious, how internal curiosity helps us to become better negotiators, and how can we
Becoming a Better Negotiator Through Curiosity With Lara Pence
In this episode, Lara Pence, licensed psychologist and founder of Lighfbox, discusses the importance of being internally curious, how internal curiosity helps us to become better negotiators, and how can we maximize curiosity during the conversation. Lighfbox Website Request a Custom Workshop For Your Company Get Free