Kelly Victory – William Makis
Kelly Victory is a business executive, an interview host, and a physician. William Makis is a physician and an author. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Kelly Victory and William Makis.
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Episodes with Kelly Victory & William Makis
Health: The UN’s Doorway To Global Control w/ Reggie Littlejohn, Dr. William Makis & Dr. Kelly Victory
“The WHO wants to grab global control through health,” says human rights activist Reggie Littlejohn. “If we do not resist now, we will inevitably become trapped in a digital gulag.” She joins Dr. Kelly Victory (who is filling in for Dr. Drew) and Dr. William Makis – Chief of Oncology at The Wellness Company – to discus
Dr. William Makis: Is mRNA Connected To Sudden Deaths & Cancer? w/ Dr. Kelly Victory
Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology, and Immunology. He is a University of Toronto Scholar and the author of over 100 peer-reviewed medical publications. Follow Dr. Makis at and 「 SPONSORED BY 」 • THE WELLNESS COMPANY