Casey Means – Shawn Stevenson

Casey Means is a physician. Shawn Stevenson is an entrepreneur, interview host, and author. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Casey Means and Shawn Stevenson.

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Episodes with Casey Means & Shawn Stevenson

Modern medicine offers a pill for every ill. But as the sickest, fattest, unhealthiest modern population, it’s clear that our healthcare system isn’t actually making our citizens healthier. On today’s show, you’re going to learn about the root cause of all of our major killers: mitochondrial health.  Our guests today a

93 min
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Our environment and culture directly affect the food choices we make. Ultra-processed foods are convenient and cheap, and they’re the main source of foods in food deserts, typically located in underserved communities. Yet ultra-processed foods lead to worsening metabolic health. How do you afford and access nutritious

87 min
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Shawn Stevenson & Casey Means 14 Jan 2022 • EN

How To Improve Your Metabolic Fitness - With Dr. Casey Means

For most of human history, folks didn’t put much thought into what was going on with their blood sugar unless they had a diagnosis of diabetes or prediabetes. But that’s changing—more and more people are becoming aware of the impact that blood glucose has on metabolic health and overall health. One of the leading exper

104 min
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