Darius Arya – Alison Ann Ward

Darius Arya is an archaeologist, a historian, and a media personality. Alison Ann Ward is an interview host, an actor, and a media personality. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Darius Arya and Alison Ann Ward.

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Episodes with Darius Arya & Alison Ann Ward

Alison Ann Ward & Darius Arya 04 Dec 2018 • EN

Classical Archaeology (ANCIENT ROME) with Darius Arya

If you LIVE for drama, you will LOVE dead Romans. Wars, murders, opulence and uprisings: a little something for everyone. Classical Archaeologist and TV host Dr. Darius Arya dishes about priceless garbage piles, lead poisoning, ancient political scandals, pottery graveyards, unearthing sculptures, tomb discoveries, wha

72 min
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