Daniel Kahneman – Jordan Harbinger

Daniel Kahneman is an economist, a psychologist, and an author. Jordan Harbinger is a media personality and an interview host. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Daniel Kahneman and Jordan Harbinger.

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Episodes with Daniel Kahneman & Jordan Harbinger

Jordan Harbinger & Daniel Kahneman 08 Jun 2021 • EN

518: Daniel Kahneman | When Noise Destroys Our Best of Choices

Daniel Kahneman is a celebrated psychologist, economist, Nobel Prize winner, and author of the much-lauded Thinking, Fast and Slow and his latest, Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment. What We Discuss with Daniel Kahneman: Why we don’t always produce the same results when faced with the same facts on two different occasions

68 min
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