Brian Keating – Jordan Harbinger
Brian Keating is an astrophysicist, a physicist, and an interview host. Jordan Harbinger is a media personality and an interview host. We found 3 podcast interviews connecting Brian Keating and Jordan Harbinger.
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Episodes with Brian Keating & Jordan Harbinger
How I Lost the Nobel Prize and What I Learned from the Experience w/ Jordan Harbinger
What’s it like to almost win and then lose the Nobel Prize? In 2014, using the BICEP2 telescope, we believed we had caught a glimpse of the spark that ignited the universe. Millions watched our announcement live from Harvard, sparking rumors of a Nobel Prize. But were we truly seeing the cosmic prologue, or were we de
Well, well, well…now you’re thirsty? Podcast host Jordan Harbinger brings his unique and trenchant expertise to this episode of INTO THE IMPOSSIBLE. He shares invaluable advice from a 16 year career in podcasting. He had me on his podcast ( recently and I’m thrilled to
Brian Keating (@DrBrianKeating) is a professor of physics and astronomy at the University of California San Diego, host of the Into the Impossible podcast, and the author of Losing the Nobel Prize: A Story of Cosmology, Ambition, and the Perils of Science’s Highest Honor. What We Discuss with Brian Keating: What compel