Andy Luttrell – Vanessa Bohns
Andy Luttrell is a psychologist and an interview host. Vanessa Bohns is a psychologist, a social scientist, and an author. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Andy Luttrell and Vanessa Bohns.
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Episodes with Andy Luttrell & Vanessa Bohns
SciComm Summer #8: Vanessa Bohns - Writing Books as an Academic
Vanessa Bohns is a social psychologist at Cornell University, and last year she release a book for the public: You Have More Influence Than You Think. It"s a great book about a program of research she"s been working on for year. I wanted to talk to Vanessa about what it was like to translate her research into a format
#21: More Influence Than You Realize with Vanessa Bohns
Vanessa Bohns studies the difference between how much influence people have and how influence they think they have. On the podcast, we talk about her studies, why people underestimate their influence, and whether this means we should try asking for more than we do now. If you sit tight until next year, Dr. Bohns has a