AJ Shepard – Gino Barbaro
AJ Shepard is an entrepreneur and interview host. Gino Barbaro is an entrepreneur, investor, and interview host. We found 1 podcast interview connecting AJ Shepard and Gino Barbaro.
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Episodes with AJ Shepard & Gino Barbaro
AJ Shepard
+ Chris Shepard
Gino Barbaro
13 Oct 2021
• EN
43. Transform your mindset with Gino Barbaro
ABOUT GINO BARBARO Gino Barbaro is an investor, business owner, author, and entrepreneur. As a real estate entrepreneur, he has grown his portfolio to over $100,000,000 in assets under management and is teaching others how to do the same. He is the co-founder of Jake & Gino and the best-selling author of three books,