Wendi Muse's Interviews
Read This, Not White Fragility. With Jared Loggins and Wendi Muse.
Dan talks to @loggins__ and @MuseWendi about why people are reading White Fragility and ten books about racism, capitalism, and Black radicalism that you should read instead. Check out Left POCket Project @LeftPOC Blacks In and Out of the Left by Michael C Dawson Dig interview with Michael Dawson Democracy Remixed by C
Bernie and Black Voters with Malaika Jabali and Wendi Muse
Dan has in-depth discussion on Bernie's approach to race and what he must do to win over Black voters with Malaika Jabali and Wendi Muse. Contrary to conventional wisdom, Sanders isn't unpopular with Black voters. In fact, he has done rather well with young Black people. But to win the primary and beat Biden, he must d
#LeftPoc or Elaborate Russian PsyOp? with Wendi Muse & Anoa Changa
Bonus ep on Racist Statues & Columbus Day: https://www.patreon.com/posts/14965304 This episode is from our live taping at The Brooklyn Commons. Gabe Pacheco and I talk to Wendi Muse, historian and creator of the #LeftPOC hashtag and project, as well as Anoa Changa, organizer & host of The Way with Anoa, about the repre
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