Helena Wadia's Interviews
World Refugee Week: What do the latest numbers tell us? With Mathilda Mallinson and Helena Wadia
It’s World Refugee Week and the results are in: Media Storm hosts Mathilda and Helena crunch the latest numbers on global displacement, to see how Europe and the UK are ranking on the hospitality charts. Spoiler: it’s not very well. In this episode, we revisit the testimonies of refugees from when The Guilty Feminist f
What does a ‘free press’ really mean? - with Mathilda Mallinson and Helena Wadia
Print is dying. Since the arrival of the internet and fast-paced, free information at the tap of the finger, the news outlets that tell us what’s what have been scrambling to find their footing. Some have been haemorrhaging money for decades, others have become richer than ever. But at what cost? In this special featur
Anatomy of a Scandal - with Mathilda Mallinson and Helena Wadia from Media Storm
The Guilty Feminist presented by Deborah Frances-White with special guests Mathilda Mallinson and Helena Wadia The Guilty Feminist theme by Mark Hodge and produced by Nick Sheldon. More about Deborah Frances-Whitehttps://deborahfrances-white.comhttps://twitter.com/DeborahFWhttps://www.virago.co.uk/the-guilty-feminist-b
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