Jerome D. Lubbe's Interviews
How to Understand Our Weaknesses and Build Around Them for Ultimate Success with Dr. Jerome Lubbe
Do you know your weaknesses? Understanding your weaknesses can help you create a pathway to success in your business and in your life. Dr. Jerome Lubbe is a neurologist and personal trainer for the brain. He helps his patients understand the function of the brain so they can improve their lives. Being a functional neur
Panel - Jesus & Trauma Pt. 2 (with Wm. Paul Young, Alison Cook, Ph.D, Dr. Jerome D. Lubbe, Ahmeda Mansaray-Richardson)
This week we dive into the 2nd half of our panel discussion on Jesus & Trauma. Once again, my guests are Wm. Paul Young, Alison Cook, Ph.D, Dr. Jerome D. Lubbe and Ahmeda Mansaray-Richardson. Building on the discussion in the first half, where the lenses of psychology, neurology, theology, and cultural studies were app
100: Jesus & Trauma Panel Pt. 1 (with Wm. Paul Young, Alison Cook, Ph.D, Dr. Jerome D. Lubbe, Ahmeda Mansaray-Richardson)
Welcome to the 100th episode of The Puddcast! As I looked back over the first 3 years I realized that the intersection of Jesus & trauma formed a throughline across many conversations. I wanted to do something special and so I assembled a panel to discuss this subject. My guests are Wm. Paul Young, Alison Cook, Ph.D, D
The Psychology of Jesus (with Dr. Jerome D. Lubbe)
My guest this week is Dr. Jerome D. Lubbe, the creator of the Brain-Based Enneagram. We talked about science, hope, trauma, shame, the Brain-Based Enneagram… pretty much anything relating to the psychological framework of Jesus and the application for that in our lives. I’ve linked to a bunch of resources below for tho
Podcasts with Jerome D. Lubbe
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