Dhaval Patel

Dhaval Patel

3 Interviews

Dhaval Patel's Interviews

Today, I"m joined by Dhaval Patel, Founder and CEO of Lotus, a Techstars portfolio company, that makes a wearable ring to control objects at home by pointing. Unlike traditional smart home tech - no rewiring, no app, no internet. Lotus" mission is to build tech that is usable by everyone, by optimizing for disability.

33 min
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Dhaval Patel is the founder of Lotus. Lotus is the world’s first ring to control your home. ★ Support this podcast ★

13 min
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Devin Thorpe & Dhaval Patel 13 Dec 2022 • EN

Life Could Be About to Get Easier

Devin: What do you see as your superpower? Dhaval: It would probably be simplicity. It’s something I got trained in at Apple—probably a little bit innate—but the ability to take a complex problem and simplify it to its essence. That’s probably my superpower if I had to pick one. Working to solve a personal problem, Dha

34 min
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Podcasts with Dhaval Patel


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