24 Apr 2021

Going heart-to-heart

Send good vibes at the touch of a button

With more than a week under our belt, it feels like the moment is right for a first upgrade.

Today’s feature represents our first true “feedback” mechanism – that is to say, the first that allows you to communicate your reaction to what you’re listening to back to us. And this mechanism is heart shaped.

We are adding the ability to communicate the fact that you “love” an interview by adding a “heart” button to the Padverb web player. Press it and the control turns vermillion red. Press it again and it’s back to its regular, unloved outline.

This important signal (sending your “love” via the player interface) will help us rank interviews, rank guests, rank hosts and, ultimately, recommend to you the most interesting content. It will also make it somewhat easier for you to refer back to the episode you loved – but more on this in future communiqués. Until then…

Happy listening!

How to launch your podcast in 2023
Announcement: video and audio comments