Women Taking the Lead

Updated: 29 May 2024 • 518 episodes

The Women Taking the Lead podcast is a resource for women leaders, allies, and organizations looking to promote more women into senior leadership. Episode formats include specific leadership challenges, "on-air" coaching with women leaders, and interviews with internal talent and organizational development leaders. Women Taking the Lead inspires women to overcome self-doubt and lead with confidence, integrity and a sense of humor.

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29 May 2024 • EN

Taking Time for Reflection

I have an update to share with you all. If you are not subscribed to the podcast hit the follow or subscribe button so you get the comeback episode when it comes out. And if you know anyone who can benefit from any previous episodes, please share those episodes with them. If you are looking for leadership development o

3 min
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Did you know women represent only 33% of employees in the Tech industry? And according to Accenture half of women who go into the tech industry drop out by the age of 35. Knowing those stats, it’s great when you hear of a company that is beating those odds. I wanted to know what is making the difference, so I’ve invite

39 min
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Why do we sometimes struggle to achieve certain goals, while others that are even more challenging are accomplished without much difficulty or stress? Any goal designed to create change or transformation takes commitment. And your commitment level - to do what it takes to achieve the goal - determines your experience a

17 min
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What does it truly mean to have a psychologically safe workplace and why do so many organizations struggle to create psychologically safe environments? According to research released last fall by Wiley, only 53% of individual contributors and 55% of supervisors say they feel safe taking risks at their organizations. Ri

18 min
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Is finding the right talent a challenge for you? This is a topic that frequently comes up in my coaching and consulting conversations. Regardless of the size of the company or industry, there is a fear (or realized reality) that the people with the skills and experience needed for a particular position is nearly imposs

37 min
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If you could have more time or more energy, which would you choose? I’m going to get bold and make the case that many of your challenges would be overcome if you had more energy. If you’re like me trying to control time, you take things off your schedule only to find other things have filled that briefly open space. As

10 min
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