Wired For Impact
Wired for IMPACT is a podcast hosted by Peter King. Peter believes our world is experiencing a severe leadership deficiency and that we need to elevate heart-inspired creators and entrepreneurs. These are not necessarily just people traditionally classified as 'successful.' These are leaders with a genuine calling to make a difference; people he calls IMPACT Players. In each episode, Peter interviews these world-class leaders, sharing their stories and drawing out key insights so listeners can optimize themselves and become the IMPACT Players our world desperately needs. Peter lives in St Louis, Missouri where he writes, invests and runs the Wired for IMPACT platform, coaching purpose-driven individuals and consulting with impact-focused businesses to fulfill their potential.
Show episodes
Guest Bio Bryson Sanger is a dedicated youth pastor who’s passionate about guiding teens through the complex challenges of today’s world. As the son of Dr. Laura Sanger, Bryson grew up immersed in conversations about spiritual warfare and faith but has carved his own path in ministry. With a deep understanding of the s
Guest Bio Peter King, host of the Wired for Impact podcast, takes listeners on an intensely personal journey of spiritual discovery. Raised in Christian Science, Peter spent years seeking healing, truth, and meaning—only to face devastating losses, supernatural experiences, and encounters with the unseen realm. His sea
Guest Bio Connor McLaughlin is a seasoned investor and crypto expert with over eight years of experience in blockchain technology. With a background in surgical robotics and a passion for transformative tech, Connor shifted his focus to cryptocurrencies, particularly XRP, for their potential to revolutionize financial
Guest Bio Dr. Laura Sanger is a clinical psychologist, biblical scholar, and spiritual counselor dedicated to helping individuals and communities break free from spiritual strongholds. As the author of The Roots of the Federal Reserve and the forthcoming Generation Hoodwinked, Dr. Sanger combines deep biblical understa
Guest Bio Christian Widener is an engineer, author, and researcher who has dedicated his recent years to exploring and revealing the evidence behind end times prophecy. With a background in advanced metals and research, Christian has pivoted to focus on biblical prophecy, particularly the significance of Israel, the re
Guest Bio Angie Sheets is a former New Age practitioner turned evangelist and ordained minister with Seek Jesus Christ Ministries in Las Vegas, Nevada (seekjesusfirst.org) with an extraordinary testimony. Raised in a military family and influenced by various spiritual practices, Angie was deeply involved in psychicism,