Socially Ambitious Podcast

Updated: 19 Jun 2024 • 179 episodes

Welcome to the Socially Ambitious Podcast: the home of the Socially Ambitious Influencer's Assistant Course! We are Jess, Liv & Anna, the founders of Socially Ambitious - Join us in exploring the dynamic world of social media, effective delegation, and the intricacies of influencer marketing. In each episode, we dive deep into discussions about the ever-evolving landscape of social media, providing valuable insights and strategies. Our conversations go beyond the surface, tackling topics like mastering work-life balance, pursuing your passions, and the art of crafting the life you've always dreamed of. Get ready for a journey filled with actionable tips, empowering discussions, and stories that resonate with the social ambition in every one of us. Tune in as we navigate the realms of social media and connection, bringing you the tools you need to thrive in the digital age.  

Show episodes

What’s up, guys! Welcome back to another episode of the Socially Ambitious Podcast. Today, our host, Liv, is joined by Hannah Sklar, who serves as Cindy Prado’s assistant. We"ll dive into what it"s like to work with a macro influencer and how taking a leap of faith and leaving the corporate world has allowed her to lan

40 min
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What’s up, guys! Welcome back to another episode of the Socially Ambitious Podcast, where today we are joined by our co-host Jess and one of our very own Influencer’s Assistant course grads, Joecel! In this week"s episode, Joecel gives us her insights into managing her five clients and navigating the dynamic influencer

30 min
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What’s up, guys! Welcome back to another episode of the Socially Ambitious Podcast. In today’s episode, our cohost Anna shares the 7 essential steps to building a thriving online community! To kick things off, Anna describes the importance of creating content that truly resonates with your audience. Afterwards, she div

21 min
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What’s up, guys! Welcome back to another episode of the Socially Ambitious Podcast! This week"s episode might be a bit late, but it"s worth the wait. Today, Liv joins us for a deep dive into how the influencer landscape has evolved over the years. To kick things off, Liv discusses her introduction to the influencer ind

30 min
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What’s up guys! Today, we have an inspiring and insightful episode as Jess sits down with mindset and leadership mentor Laura Herde! Laura is the CEO and founder of The Embodied Coach Academy, where she helps high-achieving women and aspiring coaches who want a seven-figure business and a thriving lifestyle. She is als

54 min
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06 May 2024 • EN

It Takes A Village

What’s up, guys! After a brief hiatus for Liv’s wedding, we are back at it with some amazing updates and incredible insight on our new course. On this solo episode with Liv, get ready for more information on delegation and a personal perspective on hiring.  To kick things off, Liv dives into her journey of hiring assis

28 min
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