Video Creators

Updated: 15 Jan 2024 • 317 episodes

Video Creators is the premiere YouTube growth agency for YouTube Creators and entrepreneurs, founded by Tim Schmoyer in 2013. It's a place where you'll learn cutting edge YouTube growth strategies and the fastest path to building a highly engaged community of subscribers and customers. Our success stories include brand new creators to Fortune 500 companies alike, helping them grow from 0 to 100,000 to 1 million subscribers and beyond. To date we've helped our clients organically grow by over 17 billion views on YouTube and hundreds of millions of dollars in their bank accounts. This stuff works! The best way to grow on your channel isn't by only publishing great videos, but by also having a strategy that is intentionally crafted to guide viewers through a journey with you and your brand, leading to more engaged subscribers and ultimately more sales and income as well. If you have a message you're spreading with your YouTube videos and you're building a business around it, you're in the right place. We'll teach you the YouTube tactics that take your efforts to the next level.

Show episodes

A new year means new goals for your YouTube channel. Maybe your goals are subscriber based or maybe they are focused on producing a certain amount of content. But regardless of what they are, we have found that the biggest thing that can make or break your channel happens before you even hit record. Success on YouTube

45 min
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What would happen if everyone who viewed your channel page hit subscribe? Wouldn't that be amazing! Well, we aren't sure we can guarantee every single one of them will subscribe, but there are things you can do to get a whole lot more of them to! And that's what we are talking about today: One of the most overlooked st

55 min
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It can be frustrating trying the same thing over and over and not getting any traction. We've been there and it can bring such a helpless feeling. But don't worry! We are here to help you find your authentic voice and start seeing results. When we think about some of the great YouTubers out there a specific format come

41 min
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It can be frustrating trying the same thing over and over and not getting any traction. We've been there and it can bring such a helpless feeling. But don't worry! We are here to help you find your authentic voice and start seeing results. When we think about some of the great YouTubers out there a specific format come

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So many creators are overlooking a huge opportunity that could greatly enhance their growth on YouTube. What are they missing? It's a little something called, CTAs or "Call to Actions." It seems simple, but using these well can make all the difference in turning a passive audience into a thriving community. Let's get i

53 min
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As I'm sure you know, the creator journey is a bumpy one. There are roadblocks and challenges that can be super frustrating to come up against. We've totally been there and want to help.  Maybe you’re struggling with thumbnails, growth or you just feel like Youtube and the algorithm is against you. These are just a few

53 min
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