The NTM Growth Marketing Podcast

Updated: 08 Jan 2024 • 251 episodes

Welcome to The NTM Growth Marketing Podcast where each week we bring to you a discussion on the latest trends in digital marketing and how you can actually implement these strategies into your organization. Whether it’s Facebook advertising, email marketing or launch strategies, we’re here to bring you actionable insights so your company can continue to advance the human-centered economy with your mission-driven company. We’re going to have executives, authors and experts share content rich information to propel your company forward. You’ll even see bonus episodes that will focus on other parts of your company that are equally as important such as mindset, leadership and public speaking to name a few.

Show episodes

Kris discusses the benefits and uses of innovative AI tools in digital marketing with Andrew. She introduces "add creative AI," likening it to an advanced Canva, which automates the creation of numerous ad variations. Kris has found success using this tool in campaigns, noting it significantly reduces costs and time co

14 min
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"What it does is, it can match the individual that is coming to your website, knows what companies they're coming from, and automatically changes the web page." -Chris d'Eon In this podcast episode on "What's New in Digital," Chris d'Eon presents various AI technologies and marketing strategies and their applications.

15 min
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"Some CMOs are only focused on the shiny little object. They're only focused on the newest idea and forgetting that some of the traditional things are probably just as effective, if not even more effective." CMOs play a crucial role in driving growth for companies, but they also face immense pressure to deliver results

50 min
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"The growth is huge now, and it's primatily always been more of a senior sport over time, but now that is not the case." -Teresa Jungling Teresa is the co-founder of Pickleball Max, a business focused on promoting and growing the sport of pickleball. She and her husband started the business in 2015 and have since grown

33 min
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"You have to be in constant motion and that’s a clear advantage of being at a startup." - Christy Maver Christy brings more than two decades of technology marketing and communications experience to Numenta while holding a BA in Economics from Princeton University. Previously, she launched analytics programs for the Ret

36 min
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"I believe that our differentiating factor [from our competition] is that greater mission for a catalyst for connection." - Madeline Sims Madeline Sims is a self-proclaimed seasoned generalist with a passion for building boundary-bursting, culture-driving brands, telling inspiring stories, and cultivating thriving comm

45 min
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