The Evangelism Podcast

Updated: 27 Jun 2024 • 317 episodes

On The Evangelism Podcast we feature interviews with full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries, and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith. Their powerful testimonies and amazing stories will inspire you to reach people with Good News. You will cry, you will laugh, and you be motivated to, “Go into all the World!” On this podcast, you will learn: * How to engage in spiritual conversations in everyday life. * How to communicate the Gospel clearly. * How to share your faith in a non-threatening way with those around you. * Why every believer is called to evangelism. * Why evangelists are desperately needed in the body of Christ today. * How to rescue people from hell and introduce them to heaven. * About the History of Evangelism – If God did it in the past, He can do it again. * Church Growth Ideas that really work. Plus: * Pastors, you will discover how to grow your church through creative outreach ideas. * Be inspired to lead people to Jesus. * Explore how the Great Commission is being fulfilled. * Hear exciting reports directly from the mission field. * Master best practices for those called to the office of the evangelist.

Show episodes

Gola Tiruneh shares his journey from being born in Ethiopia to becoming a Canadian citizen and eventually settling in Indonesia. He discusses how he felt called to do missions work in Indonesia, despite initial hesitation from his family. Gola and his wife Esther have been involved in various ministries in Indonesia, i

26 min
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Christine Morgan is called by God to have a worldwide evangelistic ministry. She has been doing zoom crusades in Pakistan and recently traveled there to preach her first big crusade in person. On today's episode we ask the question: Can God use woman to impact the world?" You will be inspired as you hear Christine's te

19 min
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In this podcast episode, Evangelist Daniel King interviews Pastor Paul Daugherty from Victory Church. They discuss the importance of missions and reaching out to communities. Pastor Paul shares how Victory Church has a long history of being involved in missions and sending young people on mission trips. They talk about

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Josef Maxson, a representative of the Pentecostal movement in Sweden, discusses the history and growth of the movement in the country. He explains that the Pentecostal movement began in Sweden in 1907 and spread through Baptist churches. The movement grew rapidly under the leadership of Lewi Pethrus, with over 55,000 m

21 min
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Samuel Ouedraogo, a pastor from Burkina Faso, discusses his background and the work he is doing in his country. He explains that his father, also a pastor, raised him to serve those in need, and he now leads a social work organization called Word of Hope. The organization focuses on healthcare, education, and farming,

18 min
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Daniel King interviews missionary James Obeng from Ghana, who is currently serving in Guinea. James shares how he became a missionary after receiving a prophecy about serving in a French-speaking country. Despite not knowing French, he learned the language and started doing evangelism and ministry work. James faced cha

28 min
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