Truth Changes Everything

Updated: 18 Feb 2025 • 219 episodes

Truth Changes Everything with Dr. Jeff Myers, President of Summit Ministries, exists for listeners to explore together the core principles that make flourishing possible in the world. Along the journey, they’ll discover how Jesus—Truth embodied—changes everything.


Show episodes

Defining true manhood has never been more challenging. Vince Miller offers a clear, compelling look at what it means to be a man of God. Authentic manhood brings purpose and joy, shown most clearly in the life of the God-man, Jesus. Join Dr. Jeff as he chats with Vince Miller. Vince is the author of over twenty books,

42 min
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The evil and suffering that afflicts our lives often leave us confused and directionless, wounded and powerless. How should we respond to evil's power to assault us? How can we understand God's work in a world that seems all too often to be permeated with evil? Join Dr. Jeff as he chats with Dr. Ingrid Faro about her b

48 min
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Join us for a fun episode with real talk about the need for apologetics—even for Christian kids!—interning at Summit, filmmaking, and so much more! Jack Murphy is an integral part of the Colson Center for Worldview Team but he started as a Summit student, staff, and intern. (And met his wife there!) Come listen in to h

38 min
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Audience-favorite rebroadcast with Dr. Roger Erdvig! Slapping a Bible verse onto a math sheet is NOT sufficient to build a holistic biblical worldview. Come listen in on how Christian schools can truly educate our students, and learn some tips and tricks to help train your brain even in college, the workplace, and beyo

49 min
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Are you confused and overwhelmed about the wars and conflicts in Palestine, Israel, and the Near East? Robert Nicholson is the President and Executive Director of The Philos Project and shares some needed context and history of the pivotal area. This is a land rich in biblical history and Christians would do well to ha

41 min
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If you want to change culture, you begin by changing language. The enemies of the gospel know this all too well. They’ve been cunningly at work redefining our most fundamental words, embedding them in our institutions and school curriculum, all to transform society to reflect their harmful, anti-Christian beliefs. As f

53 min
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