The Disciplined Investor Podcast
The Disciplined Investor Podcast
Show episodes
Money psychology by way of Buddhist teachings. Consumer confidence- waning. Markets - March Sadness with Lag 7. This week's guest: Wesley Gray - Founder, Alpha Architect. NEW! DOWNLOAD THIS EPISODE'S AI GENERATED SHOW NOTES (Guest Segment) Wes Gray - After serving as a Captain in the United States Marine Corps, Dr.
First Level Thinking and how we got into this mess. A few market thoughts while sipping on tea. Financial Literacy Month – getting ready. Guest, Steve Sanders, EVP at Interactive Brokers. NEW! DOWNLOAD THIS EPISODE'S AI GENERATED SHOW NOTES (Guest Segment) Steve Sanders is Executive Vice President of Marketing & Produ
Are you better looking than average? Four (4) big behavior errors and the formula for a happy life. Recency bias, the Backfire Effect and more fascinating insights. Thinking about your brain on finance... A great topic to discuss with our Guest – Dr. Daniel Crosby - Chief Behavioral Officer with Orion. NEW! DOWNLOAD TH
Is it possible to invest like an IVY school endowment? Factor investing and a new 315 Exchange ETF! New investor advice – get your pencils sharpened ! Our guest, Meb Faber co-founder and the Chief Investment Officer of Cambria Investment Management NEW! DOWNLOAD THIS EPISODE’S AI GENERATED SHOW NOTES (Guest Segment) Mr
Getting close to higher and higher highs... Economic reports holding strong! Oil on the move, VIX stable – what could go wrong? Guest: Vitaliy Katsenelson explains value investing and what he looks for in great stocks. His "Three Pillars" of quality are an important aspect of his research and what he looks for in compa
Surprise Inflation numbers, yet markets shrug it off. Axing government spending - shuddering entire agencies. Trend following and the "dumb/smart" money. Commodities on the move - great time to bring on our guest - Carley Garner of DeCarley Trading NEW! DOWNLOAD THIS EPISODE’S AI GENERATED SHOW NOTES (Guest Segment) Ca