Swift Unwrapped
Discussions on the Swift programming language and other projects at Swift.org
Show episodes
Paul Hudson's What's New in Swift 5.5Swift By SundellTime by Dave DeLong (mistakenly called Chronos during the show)
LinksSwift concurrency roadmapEpisode 27: Concurrency with Chris Lattner[Concurrency] Actors & actor isolation[Concurrency] Interoperability with Objective-C[Concurrency] Structured concurrency[Concurrency] Asynchronous functions[Concurrency] AsyncSequenceSwift Concurrency Proposals Dependencies GraphProtocol-based Act
LinksAnnouncement blog postKaroy LorenteyGitHub RepositoryAtomics forumHacker News DiscussionGuillaume Lessard’s existing swift-atomics repoSponsorsAWS Amplify - AWS Amplify is a suite of tools and services for iOS developers to build full stack serverless and cloud-based mobile apps. Check out our getting started Tuto
What’s in a Swift runtime?Swift on Mac OS 9Heap ObjectsType LayoutType MetadataUniquing CachesClass MetadataClass Metadata InitializationOther linksLayout guaranteesSteve Troughton-Smith’s BitPaint@ksherlock’s mpwAn explainer on Swift weak referencesAbout JordanTwitter @UINT_MINBelkadanCitizens’ Climate Lobby SponsorsI
5.3 release processSwift for Linux distrosAWS lambda RuntimeSwift Service LifecycleSwift Cluster membershipProposals accepted/implemented in 5.3Commit history for Swift 5.3 branchMike Ash's perf PRHacking with Swift What’s New in Swift 5.3Get in Touch If you're enjoying the show and want to say thank you, the best way
Swift Package IndexIntroWebsiteForumGitHubPackage ListDaveSvenCocoaPods websiteSwift Package RegistrySwift Package Registry Service PitchTweetPackage Manager Source Archive Dependencies PitchTweetMattt ThompsonGet in Touch If you're enjoying the show and want to say thank you, the best way to do that is by leaving us a