State of Asia

Updated: 28 May 2024 • 52 episodes

The STATE OF ASIA podcast brings you exclusive, engaging conversations with leading minds on issues that shape Asia and affect us all. AND: bonus episodes with insights straight from some of the many events organised by Asia Society Switzerland.

Show episodes

As tensions simmer in its immediate environment, Japan is on high alert. In the midst of China"s "sustained aggressiveness," Japan is revising its defense and security policies. But how does this align with its pacifist constitution, and is there still room for engagement with China? Hear from Yuki Tatsumi, Senior Fell

35 min
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China’s leader Xi Jinping raised his country’s relationship with EU and NATO member Hungary to a level that puts Hungary almost as close to Beijing’s chest as Russia and North Korea are. Western Europe long regarded  the ’new’ EU member states in the East as Trojan horses. But views on, and relations with, China have g

38 min
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Indira Ranamagar is Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives of Nepal since January 2023. She started her career as a primary science and maths teacher in village schools in the southeast of Nepal, and became a social worker in prisons in 1990. For well over 30 years now, she has been a prolific human rights and

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Nalin Mehta is a political scientist and journalist in Delhi, India, and author of The New BJP, a work you can only call THE  book on the BJP, the largest political party in the world. Under the leadership of India"s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the BJP has solidified its position as the uncontested center of power in

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There is little to dispute about Asia"s rise as a key feature of our time. Already the world"s most populous region, Asian countries have steadily gained in economic and political influence on the world stage in recent decades. While in the past this development has been driven heavily by China, the next few years will

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Johan Nylander is an award-winning author and freelance China and Asia correspondent. His work is published by CNN, Forbes, Sweden’s leading business daily Dagens Industri, and many other international media outlets. His most recent book is The Wolf Economy Awakens – Mongolia’s Fight for Democracy, and a Green and Digi

33 min
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