SAP and Enterprise Trends Podcasts from Jon Reed (@jonerp) of

Updated: 15 Sep 2024 • 325 episodes

Free spirited, old school podcasts on all things enterprise with Jon Reed of, along with troublemakers and/or special guests. This feed includes live recordings from the road, as well as interviews for and debates on the future of the enterprise. Frequent topics include the impact of cloud, mobile, in-memory (including HANA), and analytics on the enterprise - but with an eye towards customer realities and genuine skills needs. Guests are free to call BS on Jon, and each other - a dash of enterprise humor is always welcome.

Show episodes

After Jon Reed and Brian Sommer taped their Oracle CloudWorld and SuiteWorld review, they stuck around for a ten minute podcast on the dark side of HR tech, a preview of Brian Sommer's upcoming HR tech presentations.

12 min
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Is it possible to manage two combined show reviews for Oracle CloudWorld and NetSuite SuiteWorld - without any help from AI agents or digital avatars. On the final evening of the final day, Jon Reed and podcast partner in tarmac crime Brian Sommer give it their best. With a tasty dinner awaiting them, Jon and Brian con

31 min
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AI is purported to have an outsized impact on application areas like ERP - but is that true in practice? And what about the overall view of digital transformation? Bring your best and/or snarkiest questions for Eric Kimberling of Third Stage Consulting. Eric is fielding these topics firsthand from customers; let's find

68 min
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Yep, it's time! Bring your top picks and savviest/snarkest commentary to our Enterprise Month in Review show on Friday. I'll be joined as always by co-host Brian "Brain" Sommer - special guest Bonnie Duncan Tinder will join us also, where we will discuss upcoming presentations and data on "The dark side of HR" and "The

67 min
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Before everyone gets into trouble at fall events, it's time to bear down on enterprise video and media, and look at where brands are getting it wrong - and right. Paul Greenberg and Brent Leary of PPN/CRM Playaz, the recipients of my informal enterprise video award, have lived the highs and lows of audience engagement

67 min
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This one started as a soloflight, but the timing was good for Constellation's Liz Miller to crash the show as only she can do, and take a Google-cookie-backtrack victory lap, and make sense of the gen AI creativity debate from a CMO/marketing angle. There is a bit of a without-a-net vibe here until Liz shows up at the