Q & A, Hosted by Jay Nordlinger
Jay Nordlinger is a senior editor of National Review and the music critic of The New Criterion. His guests are from the worlds of politics and culture, talking about the most important issues of the day, and some pleasant trivialities as well. Listen to Q & A, Hosted by Jay Nordlinger, along with more than 40 other original podcasts, at Ricochet.com. No paid subscription required.
Show episodes
Waad al-Kateab is a Syrian journalist, filmmaker, and activist, in exile. Jay did a “Q&A” with her in 2021. And then wrote a piece about her, “Witness from Syria.” Last month, the House of Assad fell, after about 55 years. Jay has spoken with Waad al-Kateab again. A moving and informative conversation.
Jay has frequent opportunity to talk with Ramesh Ponnuru and Richard Brookhiser, two of his colleagues at National Review. He figured: why not have a talk with them on the air? He has done that—about politics, the media, conservatism, presidents, America, and more. Join them.
David Frum was born and raised in Toronto, the son of prominent Canadians. He has since become a prominent U.S. writer, and a U.S. citizen. Nevertheless, there is hardly anyone more knowledgeable about Canada: its history, its politics, its cultures—its spirituality, if you will. With Jay, he discusses Justin Trudeau,
Ivana Stradner is an analyst of international relations. She is affiliated with the School of Advanced International Studies, the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, and other institutions. She was once a Jeane Kirkpatrick fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. Serbian-born, she is an admirer of Ronald Reagan
Mark L. Clifford has written a biography: “The Troublemaker: How Jimmy Lai Became a Billionaire, Hong Kong’s Greatest Dissident, and China’s Most Feared Critic.” Jimmy Lai is a political prisoner. Mr. Clifford has known and worked with him for many years. With Jay, Mr. Clifford discusses this extraordinary man. His rel
Nury A. Turkel is a Uyghur-American lawyer and human-rights activist. Jay did a “Q&A” with him in 2018—when the world was first learning about the mass persecution of the Uyghurs. In 2022, Mr. Turkel published a book: “No Escape: The True Story of China’s Genocide of the Uyghurs.” Last week, he had the best Thanksgivin