Q & A, Hosted by Jay Nordlinger

Updated: 19 Aug 2024 • 483 episodes

Jay Nordlinger is a senior editor of National Review and the music critic of The New Criterion. His guests are from the worlds of politics and culture, talking about the most important issues of the day, and some pleasant trivialities as well. Listen to Q & A, Hosted by Jay Nordlinger, along with more than 40 other original podcasts, at Ricochet.com. No paid subscription required.


Show episodes

19 Aug 2024 • EN

Muti, Music, and Harmony

Maestro Riccardo Muti is a fixture at the Salzburg Festival. This year, he conducted the Vienna Philharmonic in Bruckner’s Eighth Symphony. Between rehearsals and performances, he sat down with Jay to discuss a variety of matters—musical and even social. What constitutes harmony in society? And what can music teach us

47 min
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Ilya Somin is a law prof and all-around intellectual. He is of a libertarian bent. He teaches at the Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University. He began life in the Soviet Union. He was but six when his family immigrated to America. He read Robert Nozick, and Tolkien, and others. He went to Amherst, Harvard,

11 Jul 2024 • EN

Daughter of Cuba

Rosa María Payá is a democracy activist. So was her father, Oswaldo—killed by the Cuban regime in 2012. With Jay, Rosa María talks about political prisoners, the Castros, the alliance between Havana and Moscow, the alliance between Havana and Beijing, the nature of democracy, and more. She is a brave, poised woman, wit

38 min
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For The Atlantic, Eliot A. Cohen has written a piece called “Farewell to Academe.” The subtitle is: “I leave with doubts and foreboding that I would not have anticipated when I completed my formal education in 1982.” With Jay, he talks about this. They also talk about Israel and Ukraine. About U.S. politics. About the

48 min
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Anastasia Shevchenko was a civil-society leader in Russia. She was the first person prosecuted under the Kremlin’s notorious law concerning “undesirable organizations.” She fled Russia in the summer of 2022 and continues to work for human rights in her native country from abroad. Earlier this month, she was a guest, by

27 min
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19 Jun 2024 • EN

Saturday Night in America

Christian Schneider is a writer and podcaster. With Scot Bertram, he hosts a podcast about “Saturday Night Live.” Jay talks with him about “SNL,” about politics, about politics and “SNL,” etc. 

45 min
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