Platemark: prints and the printmaking ecosystem

Updated: 10 Sep 2024 • 116 episodes

Why do fine art prints (etchings, woodcuts, lithographs, screenprints, etc.) and printmaking draw such fervent practitioners, collectors, and fans? Find out how prints were the first internet disseminating images since the mid-15th century. Find out why it takes a village to make, sell, study, and collect these affordable beauties. Who are all these people in the print ecosystem, anyway? Series one looks at prints and printmaking and how they fit in in the context of museums, the market, critiques, and the print ecosystem. Series two offers a history of prints and printmaking in the West. Series three offers interviews with the people who perform various roles in the print ecosystem. Join us and find out why prints and printmaking occupy the best little corner of the art world. We'll turn you into a fan, too. Platemark offers a bit of art history, artistic creativity, and introduces listeners to artists, printers, dealers, print publishers, gallerists, art historians, curators, and scholars. Host Ann Shafer is a curator specializing in prints and printmaking. Formerly she was a curator at the Baltimore Museum of Art and the National Gallery of Art. She's a podcaster, blogger, and organizer of the Baltimore Fine Art Print Fair (

Show episodes

In this episode of Platemark, host Ann Shafer talks with renowned printmaker Jenny Robinson who recently opened up her eponymous print shop in Sydney, Australia.   Jenny shares her experiences moving from America to Slovenia during the Trump era, integrating into Slovenia's printmaking community, and ultimately relocat

78 min
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In s3e63 of Platemark, podcast host Ann Shafer talks with collaborative printer Peter Pettengill. Peter founded Wingate Studio in 1985 on his family’s dairy farm in Hinsdale, NH. Originally trained at Crown Point Press, Peter specializes in multi-plate color etchings. Now semi-retired, Peter’s son James has taken over

95 min
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In this five-part mini-series, Ann is talking to five artists who were selected to be included in an exhibition called 5X5, that was part of Print Austin's winter festival this year in 2024. The juror of the show is Mysczka Lewis, who is a curator at Tandem Press. Next up is Teresa Cole, an artist and printmaker from N

60 min
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Wondering how far you can take chine collé in a project? Listen in as Annalise Gratovich tells us all about this method of adding thin pieces of hand-dyed papers to giant woodcuts. In s3e61 of Platemark, podcast host Ann Shafer continues talking to artists included in Print Austin’s 5x5 exhibition, juried by Myzska Lew

72 min
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Enlightenment publications on human anatomy changed the way artists understood their place in the world. Check out these examples of life-changing images brought to you by prints in books!   In s2e31 of Platemark’s History of Prints series, Tru and Ann continue their discussion of the Enlightenment. This time they look

119 min
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In Platemark’s History of Prints series, we are leaving the Baroque behind and are turning to the Enlightenment. The late seventeenth and eighteenth century is a fascinating time when social ideas focused on the value of knowledge in all sectors. Rationalism and empiricism led to the scientific revolution, the separati

98 min
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