No Ceilings with Rob Reynosa

Updated: 02 Nov 2023 • 108 episodes

It’s obvious our world, our society, who we are as humans - both spiritually and physically - and our perceptions and interactions with our reality are rapidly shifting and expanding at an exciting, uncomfortable and exponential rate. Every week join Rob Reynosa, a thought leader, influencer, Mindset and Business Coach as he shares his own mind and interviews elite humans from around the world about what it means and what it takes to transition into and co-create the new and unfolding 5D world. If you are conscious, awake, think different, and are aware there is more to this Life and are wondering what’s next and how do I maximize on this human experience: THIS PODCAST IS FOR YOU!

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WHEN YOU DECIDE THIS IS THE PERSON WHO I AM GOING TO BE, EVERYTHING CHANGES! It's a mindset. A shift in thinking. A way of BEING. DECIDE AND MOVE IN ALIGNMENT WITH YOUR DESIRES AND ESTABLISHED AGREEMENTS. This is the difference between slaves and Conscious Creators. Slaves give up their power to the mob OR are people w

17 min
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Good News vs Bad News: “If I can make a dent in the universe, in some way, a way will be through influencing the way people think.” Everything is available to us. Who and what we associate with, learn from, listen to and the suggestions we accept as fact are the seeds planted for our reality manifested. In other words,

16 min
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15 Jul 2023 • EN


HITTIN SWITCHES There are multiple versions of us, operating simultaneously. We only activate a fraction of our potential because we are programmed, through our upbringing and environment, to be aware of a fraction of our MULTI-DIMENSIONAL SELVES. By HITTIN SWITCHES, we consciously navigate our shadow selves, Conscious

14 min
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Your Pain Is Trying To Get Your Attention. THERE IS NO CEILING

6 min
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Consciousness is expanding. It always has been. And now more of “infinite intelligence” Is becoming more readily available to us. Why? The veil is evaporating. The walls are collapsing. We’re awakening. Keep this in mind: the darker it gets, there MUST be an equal and proportioned version of light available to access.

14 min
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16 Mar 2023 • EN

#102: Purpose By Design

Life is never made unberable by circumstances but only by lack of meaning and PURPOSE. Main Points: Do everything with intention and purpose. If you don't, you'll find yourself doing things that are unfulfilling and empty. You'll feel like you wasted time. Don't "kill time." Use time to your advantage, to serve you. Pu

15 min
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