Money School Podcast

Updated: 12 Sep 2024 • 277 episodes

The Money School Podcast shares the secrets of the wealthy, so you learn how money really works and take back control of your life! You'll hear the inside story of wealthy entrepreneurs and investors... breaking down how they got started, how they think about money, how they put money to work for them, and how you can change your life simply by doing ONE thing differently with the money you already have. Through the podcast, you'll become your own bank - mastering how money really works - so you can use it to gain the upper hand and take command of your finances. After all, building wealth isn't about resources, it's about being resourceful. Hosted by Chris Naugle, former pro snowboarder turned real estate investor, serial entrepreneur, and money mentor, this podcast has one mission - to show you how money really works so you can reclaim control of your life!

Show episodes

If you've been getting pushback on deals, or they’ve even been falling through, you're not alone. We’re seeing it firsthand: banks are tightening their lending practices, and it’s becoming harder to secure the financing needed to keep business moving.   The ripple effect of banks not lending could be massive. For busin

22 min
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Many of us crave the life we've always wanted, but we’re stuck in a routine that leaves us feeling frustrated and unfulfilled. It's all too easy to daydream about a life filled with purpose and financial freedom, but so many people hesitate to take the necessary steps to turn those dreams into reality.   It's time to c

46 min
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Being an entrepreneur is tough—far tougher than most people realize. Many take it at face value, seeing only the surface success while missing the intense challenges beneath.   The entrepreneurial journey is filled with challenges, but it's also filled with opportunities—if you're willing to seize them. It's time to pu

84 min
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Why does whole life insurance have such a negative reputation when it offers incredible value? For years, this financial tool has been misunderstood, leading many of us to overlook its potential benefits.   But what if I told you that whole life insurance could be the key to securing our financial future and ensuring w

42 min
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It might seem counterintuitive, but the path of least resistance can lead to complacency and unfulfilled potential.   That’s unfortunately the path most people are on.   Choosing the easy way out can cause anxiety, stress and a false sense of security that hinders our growth. The reality is: real growth comes from faci

53 min
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In an industry that's constantly evolving, doing things the traditional way can leave us behind. It's not enough to follow the crowd anymore; we need to think differently and add real value to our approaches.   Seeing an opportunity and taking it requires a mindset shift and the willingness to break away from the norm.

35 min
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