Magnify Your Miracles Podcast

Updated: 24 Jul 2024 • 145 episodes

Lightworkers and Spiritual Entrepreneurs need inspiration on a regular basis to nourish their spirits so they can keep sharing their light with the world. Each Wednesday, join Rev. Frances Fayden, a long-time Spiritual Entrepreneur & Interfaith Minister, as she shares miraculous stories, messages, meditations, book reviews and interviews to help you stay in the highest vibration possible! If you are a lightworker who wants to magnify your impact AND intuition, this podcast is for you!

Show episodes

Have current events left you feeling anxious or overwhelmed? Would you like to connect to the energy of peace, joy, and love? In Mother Mary’s July message in the Magnify Your Miracles Membership, She advised us not to pay attention to the turbulence on the surface of the our lives, but to focus on the inherent stillne

9 min
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Would you love to know how to go from being $70,000 in debt to being debt-free in 10 months? That is exactly what today’s guest did! Kat Cozadd is a Money Mindset & Manifestation coach who specializes in helping people heal the root issue that is causing their problems and get results quickly. She is also MY manifestat

40 min
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Q: When should you hire a manifestation coach? A: When there is something you want to bring into your life, but you haven’t been able to do it on your own. That was me at the end of 2022. I hit a wall with my manifestations. Due to the stress of family members with serious illnesses, I found myself struggling to manife

19 min
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Have you ever wished for a super simple explanation of the Law of Attraction? Or wished manifestation was easier for you? Look no further because the book I am reviewing this week is basically the Law of Attraction in a nutshell! Just Feel Good – The Secret to the Life You’ve Always Wanted by Andrew Kap is the best, cl

16 min
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Do you ever feel overwhelmed by all the things you are supposed to do to manifest what you want? Has it started to feel heavy, like a chore, rather than something you look forward to? I know how you feel! I have read all the books and know all the techniques, but a key element is missing…FUN! In this episode, I will sh

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Are you curious about the upcoming energy of the Solstice and if it has a message for you? The Solstice is a time of celebration and transition, where we end one solar cycle and begin a new one. What is the focus of this new cycle, and what does this transition mean for YOU? That is the exact question I ask in this wee

18 min
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