Kate's Take
Kate's Take: where Kate Erickson of Entrepreneurs On Fire shares a behind-the-scenes look at how to run a 7-figure business. If you want step-by-step, actionable business lessons to help you on your entrepreneurial journey, then you're in the right place!
Show episodes
If you're a podcaster, then you've likely heard of at least one or two of these podcasting events. Every year there are some epic events and conferences put on by some of the biggest brands in podcasting. These events ranging from intimate and unique to massive! In this episode I review the top podcasting conferences a
Wouldn't we all love to know the fastest path to monetization? Great news is, there is an answer. But that answer depends on where you're at with your business - and with your podcast. First, we want to take a look at our two biggest considerables: The time we have available to focus on monetizing our podcast Our curre
Monetizing your podcast is one of the most exciting - and sometimes frustrating - parts of podcasting. Today I cover 6 ways you can monetize your podcast - no matter what stage of the podcasting game you're in. Which one of these strategies is right for you when it comes to getting started with monetization? We'll get
When it comes to deciding whether to relaunch your existing podcast or launch a brand new podcast, there are definitely some things you want to keep in mind. Will your topic or content be changing? Are you trying to speak to a completely different audience? Why do you want to relaunch or start from scratch? Throughout
Spoiler alert: there is no shortcut or golden ticket to podcast growth. If you want to grow your podcast and have it become successful, then you need to PUT IN THE WORK. In today's episode I'm going to cover 5 ways that we've proven work to grow your podcast. If you're willing to commit to these strategies and be consi
Should you have a website up and running when your podcast launches? Well, I have two different opinions on this. Yes, it's great to have a website up and running when you podcast launches. Even if it's just a simple landing page, that's OK! You can always improve your website over time. No, it's not absolutely necessa