Geopolitics & Empire

Updated: 20 Jul 2024 • 452 episodes

Geopolitics & Empire

Show episodes

Francis Hunt discusses the coming economic collapse and reset which will create a neo-feudal system. It's the statists versus the citizens, not nations versus nations. A surveillance finance grid is being set up where you'll be tracked, traced, and punished for social crimes while assets will be tokenized. It's importa

68 min
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Doctor Allen discusses the global elite and how the "health emergency" was one big global Operation Gladio run by the Pentagon. He discusses his time hanging out with Bill Cooper and later working with bankers who would reveal things from time to time. They are working to bring in a global dystopia (e.g. CBDCs) and soc

152 min
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John O'Loughlin discusses the life and times of his father Thomas F. O'Loughlin, Jr. who worked in the deep state and rubbed shoulders with General MacArthur, J. Edgar Hoover, and John F. Kennedy. John surmises that his father was taken out by the deep state for attempting to do what was right by acting on Kennedy's or

64 min
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Kym Staton discusses his documentary film The Trust Fall: Julian Assange. WikiLeaks' "Collateral Murder" release is what initially woke him up. He documents the abuse and oppression of Assange and through the film seeks to inspire action. He comments on the empire, the secret state, and transnational security elite. He

67 min
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Fadi Lama discusses his fantastic book "Why the West Can't Win" and the Money Powers that rule the world. He explains how everything in the West is fake and a Virtual Reality (e.g. fake democracy, fake economy, false flag operations). Democracy was created by the Money Powers as the new means of control (e.g. only indi

113 min
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Bob Moriarty discusses the Black Swans circling above, from Julian Assange being freed and Democratic Party shenanigans to the looming wars on the horizon. Israel is in a difficult situation, it is getting away with genocide and with possibly starting WW3. It may be the first to initiate the use of nuclear weapons whic

65 min
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