Freelance Writing Coach

Updated: 25 Mar 2024 • 79 episodes

Kaleigh Moore and Emma Siemasko have long shared a dream: to build the world’s most fulfilling freelance writing businesses. Over the past 8 years, the two friends have become successful freelance writers, finding new clients (hello Salesforce + Vogue Business); refining their service offerings; building six-figure businesses; and ultimately, creating their dream careers. Now, they’re sharing everything they know and discussing what they’ve yet to find out. Why? Because they know you can build a great freelance writing business, too. But first, you gotta get real. On Freelance Writing Coach, Kaleigh and Emma discuss all things related to building a successful freelance writing business. Topics include things like client boundaries, digital products, rates, proposals, loneliness, and much more. Their promise? To tell it like it is.

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Most of us believe that we can build better businesses if we niche down to become a go-to writer for a particular type of asset in a specific space. Once we do this, however, it can feel hard to expand and grow. What if we want to work in another industry? What if we want to write web copy instead of longform content?

18 min
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Finding a freelance writing mentor is no easy task: They need to fit in with how you work and take instruction best. In this episode, we share our most impactful mentor experiences and the editors/mentors we learned from the most, plus tips on how to find one for yourself.

17 min
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An email newsletter is a great way to stay in touch with your audience and build your personal brand. But wait…is an email newsletter necessary? Will it actually help you market and sell your freelance services? In this episode, we share how we think about email newsletters and what we’ve seen from our freelance friend

22 min
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What do you say to people when they ask what you do? Does your professional identity as a freelance writer affect how you show up in the world? In this episode, we talk about how to explain what you do when you’re off the clock, surrounded by people who don’t “get it.” We’re also covering what we’re doing outside of wo

26 min
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You see a post on LinkedIn calling for freelance writers with 750 comments. Is it just you… or does the market seem super saturated? What can you do when it feels harder than ever to differentiate? In this episode, we explore what we’ve been seeing lately and how it’s affected us mentally. We offer advice on how to wor

21 min
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The writing process consists of three steps: (1) researching and outline, (2) productive writing, and (3) editing. But are the tools we use designed for this process? Are we as efficient as we think we are? Is there room to save time and increase our creative output? We sat down with Rob Carpenter, content strategist a

24 min
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