Featured Shiurim
This podcast will post all the shiurim of R’ Aaron Lopiansky that are not part of a regular series. This includes pre-Yom Tov shiurim, interviews, Q&As, guest speeches and more.The shiurim will be released sporadically, as they are given, so be sure to subscribe to get all the latest ones.
Show episodes
Video available here #IsraelTrip 2025 04:26 What is the biggest Yetzer Hara of the Generation? 09:47 Should a Baal Teshuva Prioritize Kiruv? 10:27 Chareidim in the Army 18:12 Family Members with Alternate Lifestyles 20:09 How Should we be a “Light Unto the Nations” 24:48 Awareness of Hashem through Tefillah 26:31
Delivered in Aish Hatorah. Available to watch here #IsraelTrip
Q&A with R’ Eliyahu Reingold at YGW alumni event in Baltimore, MD 12/21/24 01:11 Tuition and the number of children 20:26 Focus of Chinuch 35:26 School Rules 50:30 Israeli Army
Q&A with R’ Eliyahu Reingold at YGW alumni event in Silver Spring, MD 12/22/24 00:13 What is one thing a parent focus on? 13:25 What is one thing a husband focus on? 25:04 Technology in our home 31:31 Balancing Learning, Working, and Parenting 44:15 Struggles in Emunah for one no longer in yeshiva 59:51… Continue rea
Delivered at YGW alumni event in Silver Spring, MD 12/22/24
Delivered at YGW alumni gathering in Baltimore, MD on 12/21/24