Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz

Updated: 25 Jul 2024 • 1588 episodes

In Washington, politicians are full of half-truths and hot air. They do little more than grandstanding by spouting off talking points and spin. The Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz is here to help you cut through the rhetoric and noise and explore the politically right way to think about the issues .

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First, we begin with today’s news and how Republicans are struggling to capitalize on winning issues because they refuse to use their leverage to take the issues to the brink. Next, we’re joined by Aaron Siri, the premier civil rights attorney for victims of vaccine injury. He has a bombshell one-pager showing, using t

54 min
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I’m told by everyone that Trump must win at all costs. Yet Republicans are not doing anything different to ensure they don’t repeat their losing streak. With Democrats resetting the race, Republicans can no longer run the same playbook. I argue that Trump should call on Speaker Johnson (R-La.) to cancel the August rece

58 min
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We begin today by discussing how Republicans don’t even believe their own talking points, which is why they were unprepared for a general election that didn’t include Joe Biden. I offer broader context to this election by noting that standing for nothing didn’t help them in 2022; it harmed them throughout their tenure

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Republicans seem to think that Democrats will spontaneously combust on their own. That is not true. Today, I make the case for pushing Trump to run a campaign on bold substance rather than shying away from our issues. He continues to make it clear that he will throw conservatives under the bus and feels that our issues

56 min
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We begin by tying together looser observations on the RNC and the impending Democrat switcheroo of Biden. I’m concerned that conservatives have not war-gamed a scenario of Democrats bringing on a fresh face in contrast to Trump’s own image problems and fatigue from his age. We offer ideas for Republicans and Trump to s

62 min
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Many issues and events surrounding the RNC have brought out important debates among conservatives concerning the balance of principle with the need to appeal to voters. Today, I discuss the need for balance with most principles. We’re not all about workers or corporations. We’re not all about one group or the other. We

77 min
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