Coffin Talk

Updated: 21 Jul 2024 • 211 episodes

Coffin Talk explores how our views on death affect the way we live our life. Join Mike Oppenheim as he interviews people from all ages and cultures to explore The Meaning of Death.

Show episodes

Fox Bonilla is a pioneering technology leader known for his innovations in virtual reality and spatial computing. From developing NASA documents for President Obama to shaping industry standards through his work with XRSI, Fox’s expertise is frequently requested throughout the globe. Currently, as CEO of Harbinger Crea

39 min
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Bill Edgar is a private investigator, author, and the world's only Coffin Confessor, with a past that would haunt your nightmares. For much, much more, read his book: The Coffin Confessor! Please rate us on Apple and Spotify and subscribe for free at This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this

28 min
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Marianne Coleman is an artist of many mediums. Her sculptures have found homes internationally and she is also a published illustrator who authors children's stories. She is a retired nurse after working in public and private hospitals throughout New Zealand, specializing in Cardio-Thoracic and Vascular surgery. Spirit

29 min
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Happy July Fourth, everyone! I hope you enjoy this American soldier’s take on how to balance our affiliations with our nation, other nations, and humanity. He’s a real American hero! John Lawyer was a soldier in desert combat zones before he began to face a battle within and became a spiritual seeker. He now guides a n

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Dick Wybrow is a Canadian who grew up in the US and lives in New Zealand. A former major market rock jock, stand-up comedian, and CNN producer, he now writes best-selling humorous supernatural novels. He also has narcolepsy which, these days, he sees as his superpower. Visit Please rate us on Apple and S

36 min
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Josh Lewis is a CPA who lives in Tulsa and works for the Oklahoma State Auditor's Office. A former candidate for City Auditor with over a decade of experience in auditing governments, Josh has a unique and practical perspective as an outside observer of politics put into practice. For more, please visit his site: Savin

37 min
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