Climate Conversations
A continuous conversation about climate change - news, views and interviews.
Show episodes

Webinar: 'They're completely bound into a deregularity paradigm that will kill us' - David Spratt, Collision Course author
The Research Director of the Melbourne-based National Centre for Climate Restoration (Breakthrough), David Spratt, has written the stunning and timely report: "Collision Course: 3-degrees of warming & humanity's future". David has said: "We’re on track for a 3°C hotter world—unprecedented heat, rising seas drowning cit

Climate News: Considering the conundrum - ending our fossil fuels addiction increases temperatures and yet ends the climate crisis
The late Phillip Sutton (pictured) helped me understand how ending our addiction to fossil fuels would worsen global warming, at least momentarily, but then provide an avenue to the solution. Phillip co-authored the prescient 2008 book "Climate Code Red: The Case for Emergency Action" with David Spratt, the Research Di

Climate News: 'What do I do?, she asked. We can only do what we can do from where we are. John Grimes damns nuclear power
My friend was distressed, feeling useless and unable to make an impact, John Grimes (pictured), by comparison, is motivated and calling out Peter Dutton's nuclear power place. "Dutton defends nuclear costings as opponents warn of power bill hit"; "China’s ‘artificial sun’ has sent shockwaves through the West"; "Austral
Here we have a group of writers, something like a musical group, reimagining Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" and transforming it into the "Wealth of Gaia." Working together and collaborating, the team goes about "Reimagining Economics: ‘The Wealth of Gaia’ by Eve Smith". Hosting the event is The managing editor of

Interview: Sammy Roth follows the truth and the science in writing columns about the impact of a changing climate for the Los Angeles Times
Sammy Roth (pictured) is a climate columnist with the Los Angeles Times and a key figure in the podcast Boiling Point. In his role as a climate columnist, Sammy is a storyteller and as such has a critical and pivotal role to play in helping his readers, and of course, the broader community, address the challenges of a

Climate News: 'Please, make no mistake, climate change is the biggest threat to security modern humans have ever faced' - David Attenborough
A warning from the English broadcaster, writer and naturalist, David Attenborough (pictured) - "Climate change is the biggest threat to security that modern humans have ever faced'. "How do climate scientists maintain their hope in a warming world?"; "Greens’ $8 billion scheme for 50 cent fares across Australia comes w