Agency Collective Tales
Welcome to The Agency Collective Tales Podcast! We're a community of agency founders and we put on events, produce resources tailored towards agency owners and we have our podcast! We love talking to you about your agency, hearing your stories and what you love about running your business. In these podcast episodes, we hear from members with the best examples of agencies innovating, adapting and thriving. We hope you enjoy them!
Show episodes
We were joined by Anthony Chapman and Paul Crump, founders of Fellow Studio, who talked us through how they started Fellow after leaving their old job, knowing that they could do it better. Find out about their growth, their culture and how they, as creatives grapple with sales!
In the finale of this season of The Agency Collective Tales, Ellie speak to Tom Smith, Founder of Complete Online. They chatted about moving from using freelancers to permanent staff, how self enrichment and personal goals are just as important as professional ones and making the move to working abroad.
This month, Ellie spoke to Charles Sladdin, founder and MD of Purple Banana. We talked about finding the balance between carving a niche that makes you unique but making sure that it's one that you love, why B Corps are the future of business and why stepping back from the day to day can be so difficult.
This month Ellie talks to Joe Perkins, Owner & MD of Chaptr. They discuss how Chaptr began, the benefits and downsides of working with (and developing) interns, how and why they chose their niche and what's next in 2023!
Ellie spoke to Ben Thomson about his journey, starting from pioneering cloud-based printing solutions to pivoting from a product based company into his current serviced based company, Full Metal Software.
Zara Deegan, founder of EXT MKTG talks all about going from working in house at agencies across the globe to going it alone and why she wants to work with other mums, the importance of the work / life balance, why less is often more and some of the exciting plans for EXT MKTG in 2023 and beyond!