Vanessa M. Quirk – Meghan Daum
Vanessa M. Quirk is an interview host, an editor, and a journalist. Meghan Daum is an interview host, author, and essayist. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Vanessa M. Quirk and Meghan Daum.
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Episodes with Vanessa M. Quirk & Meghan Daum
Adaam Levin-Areddy
+ Vanessa M. Quirk
Meghan Daum
12 Apr 2022
• EN
NOT CANCELED (w/ Meghan Daum)
When writer and podcaster Meghan Daum released her book The Problem with Everything: My Journey Through the New Culture Wars in 2019, she didn’t get canceled, per se. But its reception among her liberal friends was… frosty. Readers charged that Meghan had been captured by the IDW; reviewers painted her as out of touch;