Vari McGaan – Michelle Irving

Vari McGaan is a coach / mentor and an interview host. Michelle Irving is a coach / mentor and an interview host. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Vari McGaan and Michelle Irving.

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Episodes with Vari McGaan & Michelle Irving

Vari McGaan & Michelle Irving 13 Mar 2022 • EN

Illuminating and De-shaming Chronic Illness, with Michelle Irving

✨ 47% of Australians live with a chronic illness, 70% of whom also work ✨ That's 6.6 million women in Australia living and working with chronic illness   So why don't we talk about this more? 🦸‍♀️ Michelle is on a mission to de-shame chronic illness, illuminate the stories of those 6.6 million Australian women, and he

52 min
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