Tuur Demeester – Stig Brodersen
Tuur Demeester is an editor, an investor, and a business executive. Stig Brodersen is an interview host, a business executive, and an investor. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Tuur Demeester and Stig Brodersen.
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Episodes with Tuur Demeester & Stig Brodersen
TIP244: Bitcoin Basics w/ Leading Expert Tuur Demeester (Bitcoin Podcast)
During this week’s episode, Preston and Stig talk to leading crypto-expert, Tuur Demeester. Tuur is a world-renown economist and investor that focuses on Bitcoin and other blockchain technologies. During the discussion, Tuur explains some of his opinions on why some technologies and protocols. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LE
TIP145: Bitcoin and Ethereum w/ Tuur Demeester (Business Podcast)
IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: What the fundamental value of Bitcoin is. Why Bitcoin might continue to be the dominant cryptocurrency. Why Bitcoin is expected to split into multiple currencies. The main differences between Bitcoin and Ethereum. BOOKS AND RESOURCES Join the exclusive TIP Mastermind Community to engage