Troy A. Paredes – Naval Ravikant

Troy A. Paredes is a lawyer, an interview host, and an author. Naval Ravikant is an investor, interview host, and entrepreneur. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Troy A. Paredes and Naval Ravikant.

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Episodes with Troy A. Paredes & Naval Ravikant

Troy A. Paredes + Lee A. Schneider & Naval Ravikant 15 Jul 2019 • EN

Naval Ravikant Part 2: Will Your Phone Do Everything?

In this second part of our conversation with Naval Ravikant, we talk about how financial services will be disrupted, from blockchain to payments and beyond. We then venture into the future of work, such as what will the gig economy mean for how we will work in the future? At the end, Troy and Lee chat a bit about their

26 min
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Troy A. Paredes + Lee A. Schneider & Naval Ravikant 01 Jul 2019 • EN

Naval Ravikant Part 1: Business Plus Science Equals Technology

We welcome Naval Ravikant, a prodigious entrepreneur who has made a career helping other entrepreneurs. In this episode, we discuss how to be an effective entrepreneur, including the game theory of venture capital. Plus we cover complexity theory (or, Why can’t everything be simpler?), the “infrastructure of innovation

34 min
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