Brad Lea – Chris Van Vliet
Brad Lea is an interview host, a business executive, and a marketer. Chris Van Vliet is an interview host. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Brad Lea and Chris Van Vliet.
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Episodes with Brad Lea & Chris Van Vliet
A great interview, interviews, celebrity, celeb, tv host, grammy, oscar, youtube, the rock, will smith
Chris Van Vliet is a 4-time Emmy award winning TV Host, Entertainment Reporter and YouTuber based in Los Angeles, CA. He has traveled the world reporting from events like the Oscars, Grammys and the Cannes Film Festival. You may be familiar with the interviews that Chris posts on YouTube but to just call them “intervie
Brad Lea is an entrepreneur, speaker and a leading authority on web-based training. He is also the host of the podcast "Dropping Bombs with Brad Lea". He joins Chris Van Vliet at the Blue Wire Studios in Las Vegas to talk about his path to success, why you need to be true to yourself, the difference between being a sal