Talaat McNeely – Kassandra Dasent
Talaat McNeely is an interview host. Kassandra Dasent is a business executive, a consultant, and an entrepreneur. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Talaat McNeely and Kassandra Dasent.
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Episodes with Talaat McNeely & Kassandra Dasent
Tai McNeely
+ Talaat McNeely
Kassandra Dasent
18 May 2020
• EN
How This Business Woman Used Financial Smarts to Become Debt Free
As financial bloggers, His & Her Money sees hundreds of debt-free stories. We love to see those calculators out and the numbers going down, but these stories aren't just about the money, it's also about the people behind it. In today's episode, our guest's experience with becoming debt-free has a different spin on what