Stephen Drew – Lisa Raynes
Stephen Drew is an architect, entrepreneur, and interview host. Lisa Raynes is an architect and interview host. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Stephen Drew and Lisa Raynes.
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Episodes with Stephen Drew & Lisa Raynes
A conversation with the fantastic Lisa Raynes, Founder of Pride Road Architects
At the beginning of March, I sat down virtually with Lisa Raynes from Pride Road Architects to learn more about her practice Pride Road Architects. Lisa is a RIBA Chartered Architect and set up Raynes Architecture in 2010. She founded Manchester Curious in 2015 and has now set up Pride Road, the Architectural Practice
Lisa Raynes Pride Road Founder & CEO and Stephen Drew, recruiter & brains behind Architecture Social chat about taking your next career step
The second in a series of topics looking at how the pandemic has affected architects and the architecture profession. This time host Lisa Raynes and her guest Stephen Drew, recruiter extraordinaire, will be chatting about the opportunities they see for architects in the pandemic economy. The world has changed, and many