Shreyas Doshi – Lenny Rachitsky

Shreyas Doshi is a consultant and an investor. Lenny Rachitsky is an interview host, an investor, and a media personality. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Shreyas Doshi and Lenny Rachitsky.

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Episodes with Shreyas Doshi & Lenny Rachitsky

Shreyas Doshi is a former product leader at Stripe, Twitter, Google, and Yahoo. He’s now a full-time advisor and coach to founders and executives. Shreyas is known for his incredibly insightful writing on products, which has garnered him a passionate following in the PM and startup community. Last week, we sat down tog

45 min
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Shreyas Doshi is a treasure trove of knowledge and tactical insights on product, strategy, psychology, leadership, and life. Over the course of his career, he’s PM’d at Google, Twitter, Yahoo, and Stripe, where he joined as its fourth product manager, later becoming Stripe’s first PM manager and helping define and grow

76 min
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