Patrice Washington – Talaat McNeely
Patrice Washington is a coach / mentor, an interview host, and an author. Talaat McNeely is an interview host. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Patrice Washington and Talaat McNeely.
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Episodes with Patrice Washington & Talaat McNeely
Redefine Wealth For Yourself with Patrice C. Washington
On this episode of the His & Her Money Show, we're unpacking the pursuit of wealth with Patrice Washington! If you've spent some time in the personal finance community, you probably already know her. Patrice is a best-selling author, personal finance expert, and one of our day ones, and we couldn't be more excited to h
Tai + Talaat McNeely: How One Couple Survived Financial Infidelity
“When I came up against this discrepancy in my character, it was tough to combat.” - Tai + Talaat McNeely Everyone worries about their partner cheating on them, but there’s actually a different type of infidelity that is much more common and leads to just as many divorces: Financial Infidelity. Most people don’t think