Scott Timcke – Marianela Ramos

Scott Timcke is a historian, a social scientist, and an author. Marianela Ramos is a multimedia producer and an interview host. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Scott Timcke and Marianela Ramos.

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Episodes with Scott Timcke & Marianela Ramos

Marianela Ramos + Ruth Coustick-Deal & Scott Timcke 24 Oct 2019 • EN

Episode 18: Warfare

How is our culture informed by war? How has tech changed its myths and stories? We talk about the real-timeness of war footage, and military funding of Hollywood from Top Gun to the Avengers. Plus, can Google’s employee walkouts stop its defense contracts? What are our own roles in conflict? What happens when war looks

40 min
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