Sara Gonzales – Matt Kibbe

Sara Gonzales is a journalist, an interview host, and a multimedia producer. Matt Kibbe is a journalist, a philanthropist, and an author. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Sara Gonzales and Matt Kibbe.

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Episodes with Sara Gonzales & Matt Kibbe

All eyes are on Brooklyn, NY after a shooting took place in the subway just one day after President Biden announced his plan to crack down on gun control. But the state of New York has some of the strictest gun laws in the country, so are more gun laws the answer? The Left seems to think so. The inflation numbers for M

44 min
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Sara Gonzales & Matt Kibbe 20 Mar 2019 • EN

Ep 247 | Democrat Death Spiral Continues | Guest: Matt Kibbe

Democrats appear more than willing to advocate for bold policy changes on the campaign trail - Hot takes are all the rage on issues like abortion, gun control, immigration and healthcare Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) erroneously tweets about progressivism in the Midwest, claiming that it is polling extremely wel

35 min
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